Product-led Growth Playbook​

Hello, from one PLG person to another! We created this playbook based on our experience and research as a team of makers with invaluable contributions from product-led growth professionals and SaaS founders. In this eBook, you will find the essentials of a successful PLG strategy.

usermotion product-led growth plg platbook
89% are planning to increase the investment in product-led growth
47% of companies have a hybrid approach to product-led sales
50% of companies aim to acquire leads with product-led growth
40% of companies track key product-led growth metrics
Table of Contents
I. Introduction

Introduction by Amirali Nurmagomedov
What is Product-led Growth?
Market Overview and Key Stats by Zeynep Avan

II. Understanding Product-Led Growth

The History and Evolution of PLG
Product-led Growth vs. Sales-led Growth
Examples of Successful PLG  Companies

III. Pre-Growth: Building a Strong Foundation for PLG

Product Engineering
Product Development is Lean and Agile
PLG Framework: Acquisition, Activation, Retention, Referral, and Revenue
Crafting the Perfect Pricing Page for PLG by John Kotowski

IV. During-Growth: Driving Engagement through PLG

Minimal Barriers
Importance of User Onboarding by Selman Gokce
Voice of the Customer

V. After-Growth: Retaining growth through PLG


Product Data 

VI. Implementing Product-Led Growth

The Steps Businesses Can Take to Implement PLG
Potential Obstacles While Implementing PLG

VII. Future of Product-led Growth

Trends in Product-led Growth by Luka Kankaras
Final Words: Future Predictions

What is Product-led Growth?

Product-led growth is an all-in growth strategy that uses the product as the main system of acquiring, activating, and retaining customers. It plays an active role in every stage and leads the whole company for growing a business. Read more

PLG companies typically have a few key characteristics in common

They offer a free or low-cost product that is easy to try, often with a self-serve onboarding process that requires little to no interaction with a salesperson. They also focus on providing a great user experience and rely on customer feedback and data to drive product development and iteration.

Many companies are still not aware of the whole concept and what it serves to

So, you might hear that they are product-led companies, even if they only offer a free trial or freemium model and think that this is enough. On the contrary, for achieving success through product-led growth, companies should go all-in by creating a product that engages with the end user at every stage and sales and marketing teams that contribute to it with data-driven strategies.

PLG motion is not a shift from a sales-driven growth to a product-driven one

PLG motion is often seen as a shift from a sales-driven growth approach to a product-driven one, but it’s not limited to the growth team. It should be applied across all stages and departments of a product, including marketing, sales, customer success, and product teams. Each team contributes to it, not just focusing on their direct responsibilities.

Product-qualified leads should be at the center of your product-led growth strategy

Product-qualified leads refer to potential users who have a buying intent for a particular SaaS product. So how can we identify users who have an intent to buy? All in all, these are very valuable insights. The behavior of the users in the product, the traces they leave behind, and the important data we will follow show us which of these potential users have a tendency to buy or not. Because PQLs categorize customers based on their interactions with the product, they make more sense for companies adopting a product-focused growth strategy.

PLG is now a concept that runs many successful businesses

The secret behind the PLG is really simple, give users a chance to see what is your product and how it can be aligned with their business strategy. You may simply think that my product is enough yet hear the voice of your users. Business approaches are evolving and PLG is a way to change things, increase revenue and create a sustainable growth while developing your user base, your product and your revenue. 

"A product-led growth strategy relies heavily on the product itself, so product engineering is a critical part of the process."

PLG Market Overview and Key Stats​

The rise of PLG has been driven by several factors, including the growth of the software-as-a-service (SaaS) industry, the increasing importance of user experience in product development, and the proliferation of free and low-cost tools that make it easier than ever for companies to adopt a PLG approach. Read more

Product-led Growth Playbook

Explore the essentials of a product-led growth strategy, created by a team of entrepreneurs and experts.

We asked SaaS companies about their thoughts on product-led growth

The research included 150+ respondents from mid-sized and large companies.

We asked these companies how they define product-led growth.

How you define product-led growth_

We also asked them if they have deployed a product-led growth motion in their company.

For those who have deployed a product-led motion, we asked “Why?” to understand their motivation.

Why have you deployed a product-led growth motion to your business_

For those who haven’t deployed a product-led motion, we asked “Why?” to understand different reasons.

Why haven’t you deployed a product-led growth motion to your business_

Product-led Growth Playbook

Explore the essentials of a product-led growth strategy, created by a team of entrepreneurs and experts.

We asked companies how much of their revenues came from which motions and averaged their revenues divided between 3 growth motions. This shows that companies still rely on direct sales activities more than others, and marketing-led and product-led revenue percentages are in the race.

"Product qualified leads are the new currency for SaaS companies"
Aaron Ross
Author of Predictable Revenue

For PLG companies, there are several general and key metrics to be tracked, and the statistics show that only around 50% of them are tracking the most important metrics, like activation rate and product usage, to perform this model in the best way.

Product-led Growth vs. Sales-led Growth

Selling products has come a long way and the methods of selling products have evolved. In the good old days, sales-led growth was the norm and the only method. But now, product-led growth stands out for the advantages it brings with it. 

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Building a Product-led Growth Framework

Building a product-led growth framework is an essential step in developing a successful product-led growth strategy. The framework is built around five key elements: acquisition, activation, retention, referral, and revenue.

“Product-led growth will become the standard GTM for software and infrastructure companies.”
Tomasz Tunguz
Venture Capitalist at Theory

Trends in Product-led Growth

#1 Hyper-personalization

Companies will start using AI and Machine Learning to offer more personalized product experiences that will help them improve user activation, retention, and revenue. The more personalized the experience is, the higher likelihood to delight the users.

#2 Stronger focus on retention

Unpredictable market situations will force companies to better focus on retaining and expanding existing customers. This will result in higher demand for Customer Success people (whose job is also to sell). We will probably see more personalized support delivering an exceptional experience.

#3 Increased focus on onboarding and un-gated product experiences

Companies are becoming aware that onboarding doesn’t start when people sign up for a product, but the moment they interact with the brand. With more and more free trial/freemium products out there, it’s harder to differentiate, and allowing people to try your product before they buy it is slowly becoming the norm rather than a differentiator. We will have to let our product do the talking asap and use every chance to put it in front of the people and let them experience it, long before they even signup.

Improve your Product-led Growth Strategy with UserMotion

Identify product-qualified leads in your PLG pipeline and convert them into customers

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Frequently Asked Questions

Product-led growth strategy is a GTM motion that especially SaaS businesses use for building each sales, marketing, customer success and product strategies based on the powers of product capabilities and product metrics.

The three pillars product-led growth is product development, user experience and go-to-market.

PLG playbook is a comprehensive guide which SaaS businesses can use to understand, improve and implement product-led growth mindset.